
    Introduction to Spring

1.Spring is a lightweight and an open source frame work created by Rod  Johnson in 2003.
2.Spring is a complete and a modular Frame work. It means spring frame  work can be used for all layers implementation for a real time application  (or) spring can be used for the development of a particular layer of a real  time application.
3.Spring framework is said to be a non-intrusive framework. It means  spring framework does not force a programmer to extend (or) implement  their classes from any predefined class (or) interface given by Spring API.
4.In case of struts f/w. It will force the programmer that the programmer  class must extend from the base class provided by struts API. So, struts  we call them as invasive or intrusive frame work Spring is called light  weight component because of POJO model.
5.Spring framework simplified J2ee application development by introducing  POJO model.
6.Spring is important because of following 3 reasons.   a) Simplicity,   b) 2) feasibility,   c) loose coupling. 7. Spring provides simplicity , because of POJI/POJO interface Model. 8. Spring is easy to test, because. Spring can be executed within a server and  even without a server. 9. Spring provides loose coupling because of IOC (Inversion of control)  mechanism. 10. Spring framework can be used to develop any kind of java application. It  means we can develop starting from a console application up to a  enterprise level application.  11. Unlike other framework, spring framework has its own container.  So, spring works without server also.

Spring Modules:

In spring 1.x, the framework has divided into 7 well defined modules, but in spring 2.x the framework is divided into 6 modules only.
i. Spring Core Module
ii. Spring Context (spring jee module)
iii. Spring DAO (spring jdbc ) module
iv. Spring ORM module.
v. Spring AOP module.
vi. Spring web mvc module.

Spring Architecture


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