Collections Framework Interview Questions for Fresher and Experienced

1) What is the main objective of collections?
2) What are the advantages of collections over arrays?
3) Collection frame work classes are present in which package?
4) What is the root interface of collections?
5) List out implementation classes of List interface?
6) List out implementation classes of set interface?
7) List out implementation classes of map interface?
8) What is the difference between heterogeneous and homogeneous data?
9) What do you mean by legacy class can you please tell me some of the legacy classes present in collection framework?
10) What are the characteristics of collection classe?
11) What is the purpose of generic version of collection classes?
12) What is the difference between general version of ArrayList and generic version of ArrayList?
13) What is purpose of generic version of ArrayList& arrays?
14) How to get Array by using ArrayList?
15) What is the difference betweenArrayList and LinkedList?
16) How to decide when to use ArrayList and when to use LinkedList?
17) What is the difference between ArrayList& vector?
18) How can ArrayList be synchronized without using vector?
19) Arrays are already used to hold homogeneous data but what is the purpose of generic version of Collection classes?
20) What is the purpose of RandomAccess interface and it is marker interface or not?
21) What do you mean by cursor and how many cursors present in java?
22) How many ways are there to retrieve objects from collections classes what are those?
23) What is the purpose of Enumeration cursor and how to get that cursor object?
24) By using how many cursors we are able to retrieve the objects both forward backward direction and what are the cursors?
25) What is the purpose of Iterator and how to get Iterator Object?
26) What is the purpose of ListIterator and how to get that object?
27) What is the difference between Enumeration vs Iterator VsListIterator?
28) We are able to retrieve objects from collection classes by using cursors and for-each loop what is the difference?
29) All collection classes are commonly implemented some interfaces what are those interfaces?
30) What is the difference between HashSet&linkedHashSet?
31) all most all collection classes are allowed heterogeneous data but some collection classes are not allowed can you please list out the classes?
32) What is the purpose of TreeSet class?
33) What is the difference between Set & List interface?
34) What is the purpose of Map interface?
35) What do you mean by entry?
36) What is the difference between HashMap&LinkedHashMap?
37) What is the difference between comparable vs Comparator interface?
38) What is the difference between TreeSetandTtreeMap?
39) What is the difference between HashTable and Properties file key=value pairs?
40) What do you mean by properties file and what are the advantages of properties file?
41) Properties class present in which package?
42) What is the difference between collection & collections?v


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